Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Self and Unit evaluation

1. I would say the three aspects of the assignments for this unit are: My lab report for the Microscope lab. The lab report for the punnet square and dragon lab. I really liked the assignment for Building a Cell.

2. I could have used major improvement on the compendiums. For the first one I was completely lost in thought, and the second one was a little better, although I was still lost in though.

3. I believe my overall grade should be a low A high B. I understand the unit, I was just having problems getting all my ideas out on the compendiums.

4. I'm definitely going to improve on my compendiums. I believe I can develop a better system for it.

Regarding the Unit:

1. I felt really engaged in the unit when we were reading about Cancer and Genetics. I am really interested in Cancer, probably because I'm scared of it. Genetics has always interested me.

2. I was a little distance with work when it came to the Mitosis and Meiosis. I understand it, I just really had a hard time keeping the information.

3. What was helpful to me were the power point slides that Larry Frolich completed for us. I used those tremendously!

4. I was a little confused with the instructions for the Build a Cell project. I was confused with the part for Mitosis, Chromosomes, and the DNA.

5. I was most surprised with the Ethical Issues Essay. When I was reading the articles about cloning, it really opened up my eyes about how cloning could really be a good thing. I'm definitely going to have to research that a little more.

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