Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ethical Essay Two

The issue that I read for this ethical essay is the essay about the Slow Food. It is basically saying that we need to realize where our food comes from and that we should all come together and should start “connecting producers and co-producers, coming together on the farm, in the market, and at the table—to create and enjoy food that is good, clean and fair.” (From the article) We also need to start slowing down and make food pretty much from scratch.

It would be great to know where your food came from, instead of food being loaded onto a truck and delivered to a grocery store. We have no idea where our food comes from and if it is healthy enough to eat. In the past couple of weeks, there was a scare about salmonella in tomatoes. If we knew where our food came from, and who produces them and what their habits are, we shouldn’t have to worry about that. There are many issues with today’s food that we need to start addressing.

Although, it would be nice to know where our food came from, I don’t think our world today really cares. With the way the world is, it’s too fast paced and we don’t even get a chance to relax at all, let alone worry about our food. I know I’m guilty of this, as my husband and I work too much and have to in order to keep up with bills and such. We just don’t have time to worry about it. I think many people are having that issue because the economy is not what it used to be.

Both of these viewpoints are valid. As much as we would all love to spend more time with our families and make our own food, we just don’t have time anymore. The world just isn’t what it used to be. I don’t see this changing at all in the future. If anything, I think it may get a little worse. Definitely now in time, with the economy the way its been, there is no way people can do the things they want and still make ends meet.

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