Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ethical Essay 1

The article that I read for this assignment is Cloning.

I. Cloning (Saving Endangered animals vs. not have perfection for saving endangered animals)

II. With cloning, this article said that saving endangered animals could be an option. I never really thought about it, but it really could happen. If is possible to create an embryo outside of the womb, and be able to implant into a surrogate mother, than cloning should be able to save endangered animals. The world would never have to worry about having endangered animals which lead to extinction.

III. Although it would be great to save every endangered animal, cloning comes with risks. The cost of cloning is very expensive and it take so much time. There is so much that goes into cloning, and sometimes it doesn't work out. Many of the offspring that are produced from cloning develop a low immunity, which means they can't fight off infection very easily so death comes early in life. Many of the clones that are produced are larger that natural offspring which could lead to some medical problems. Many of them don't live long so they can't report the aging process because they can't get them to live long enough.

IV. Although it would really exciting to see cloning of endangered animals, there is much to be done in order to get it done right. Cloning needs to be just as similar to those that are natural. The knowledge for cloning is there, it just needs a little more perfection. When trying to save endangered animals and they keep dying at early ages, what's the point?

V. In the future I believe that this will be possible. I think that cloning will get perfected in a way that we can help save the endangered animals. I think cloning can be a wonderful thing, although right now it still have a couple errors. If scientists just keep exploring what the difference between the clone and the natural they will be able to come up with a solution and make it possible.

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