Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ethical Essay 4

The world is becoming a place where reproduction isn’t as important as it used to be. As, the world goes on, the population needs to go up in order for the world to continue with life. People are beginning to find it very hard to have children. If we want to keep life of humans going, we need to reproduce.

People are finding that financial constraints are keeping them from reproduction. If you think about how the rate of inflation is going up, it’s no wonder people cannot afford children. Raising a child is very expensive, and with the costs of everything else going up, it makes it very hard to raise a family. An example is that the cost of grain is going up. Pretty much anything that we consume is made up of grain, therefore making food prices go up. A very big issue now is the cost of oil going up. With going to work, school and any other random places people go to, it’s costing them about twice as much to fill up the gas tank. This puts a strain on raising a family and people are having to work twice as much just to afford anything.

There is something that needs to be done because if the cost of everything goes up, reproduction is going to be last on peoples list. We need to learn how to conserve and utilize the resources that we have more efficiently.

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